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A few top news stories & alerts! . . .

Feds Hemp Food Ban Not Supported By Research, Study Says. (Washington, DC): Daily ingestion of hemp oil and food products will not produce a "confirmed positive" drug test for marijuana, according to a study published in this month's issue of the Journal of Analytical Toxicology. 

For more information, please contact either Allen St. Pierre, Executive Director of The NORML Foundation, at (202) 483-8751 or visit the VoteHemp website at: http://www.votehemp.com. For more information on the "TestPledge" program, please visit: http://www.testpledge.com

School That Fired Teacher Over Hemp Views Violated First Amendment Protections, Appeals Court Says Award-Winning Teacher's Advocacy Motivated Firing, Justices Rule. (Cincinnati, OH): A Shelby County, Kentucky public school district's decision to abruptly fire an award-winning fifth-grade teacher was motivated in part by her decision to speak to her class about industrial hemp, the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals in Cincinnati unanimously ruled last week.

Their decision overturns a previous lower court judgment dismissing the teacher's First Amendment retaliation claim against the district.

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What you can do to help the cause: 
-Write. Contact the media and legislative representatives and tell them how you feel about the war. Write, email, call and fax your concerns on a regular basis.

-Spread the word. Tell your friends and neighbors about the cause and get them involved. Speak before public interest and community groups. Form/join neighborhood and local organizations.

-Research. Look up information. Write stories and contribute. Update us with news/info and help keep this Library current and functional.


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Portland, Oregon

!The 1995 NHSDA and Census Bureau numbers also reveal at least 150,040 marijuana consumers in Oregon.

Have you any idea of the taxes you're paying in the ongoing effort to build prisons for them all? 
Follow those numbers. . . . 

Your tax dollars at work

You can help end the war on drugs just by asking
every elected official and candidate for public office
for a straight answer to one simple question: 

Exactly how many drug offenders
do you want to put in prison
to have the best results? 

!The government's own statistics say that 71 percent of cannabis consumers and other illegal-drug users age 18 and older are gainfully employed, compared to just 63.3 percent of the general population age 16 and older. 

only 35 percent of the general population age 12 and older has smoked marijuana. 
So . . .Question mark
How does imprisoning and fining marijuana offenders and trying to make them unemployed and homeless help to promote "family values"

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This site hosted by MAPinc - the Media Awareness Project. Our undying gratitude to them and their fine staff.  DRCNet link This site is also part of the Drug Reform Coordination Network Online Library.

For compliments, complaints or to report broken links with the web site in general, you can also eMail the Webmaster

For Affiliate information, contact your local NORML or similar org - you can visit Oregon NORML on-line at www.ornorml.org.
You are visitor # 23259!   (since 12/28/2001)  Thanx for stopping by. Tell your friends. Tell your enemies!   This page ( /help.html ) was last modified on: Friday, 28-Dec-2001 16:46:05 PST

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