About the MMM | Portlands March | Objectives | Northwest Rept | Summary | City List | Contact Us | Volunteering | Personnel (skill) List | Task Groups (area) List | Media Notes | Press Release  | ArtNotes ( flyers) | the PLAN | March & Rally | Organizations | Event Schedule | Speakers | Fundraising | the Budget(s) | Pdx NORML | National NORML

Million Marijuana March

The Million Marijuana March, happening on Sat., May 5th, 2001, is a global celebration of the benefits of cannabis and hemp.  On that day over 100 cities (so far! including Eugene, Oregon) plan to march in unison for cannabis law reform.  We pick up steam every day, we gain more sponsor$ and other support each time we talk about it.  Join Portlands entry Saturday, May 5th, 2001 at Pioneer Courthouse Square.   Assemble at 10am, March at High Noon SHARP!   Rally at 2pm ... music speakers and more! til 7pm.


About the MMM

Portlands March


Northwest Rept


City List

Contact Us

Volunteers Needed!
- Personnel (skill)
- Task Groups (area)
  * Media (press)
  * Art

Press Release

other Media (flyers)

the PLAN; some notes

March & Rally

- Organizations

- Event Schedule
- Speakers

- the Budget

- Orgs & other Conx -


National NORML


Volunteers needed! 
contact MMM 2001 Committee c/o: 
P.O. Box 11694 
Portland, OR   97211 

Last year we scraped things together at almost the last minute and still managed to get 500 people in the streets.  We had thousands in Pioneer Square for the Rally afterwards and spent the day educating & celebrating with no arrests.  This year we're building on the momentum and need your support. 

 About the Million Marijuana Marches

The NYC-MMM event is an event that has been going on for somewhere around 25+ years and has years of tradition of which many are unaware. It started as the Yippie! organized "May Day 5th Avenue Pot Parade" and Dana has been the MC since its inception (we believe). The CRRH web site has a video you can watch which documents some of this history loosely. Howard Lotsof and other Yippie! activists produced this in 1977 and it is called "Smoke-In: The Movement to Legalize Marijuana". It is at: <http://www.crrh.org/hemptv/docs_yippie.html>.

In 1996, the event became known as the Million Marijuana March. This appears to have been an attempt to capitalize on some potential name recognition from the Nation of Islam's Million Man March.  Once again, perhaps we have something to learn from other rights movements.  Even though the event still occurs on the first Saturday in May, it has now established tradition of its own, spreading beyond NYC.

The emphasis of this years events should the turning from that street party into a productive political venue that the NAACP and the ACLU would be proud to co-sponsor. We folks in Portland have done this successfully, we beleive.  Let's honor our counter-cultural elements, history, heroes and activists, but at the same time be aware that we need to better coordinate our efforts for the maximum politically-positive media spin and potential resulting benefits for our on-going political efforts. 

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 Portlands Million Marijuana March

Success can be a two edged sword. For those working to change the laws governing cannabis, there is hope. The passage of medical marijuana and the defeat of an attempt to recriminalize its possession for personal use were very heartening; not just for Oregon but for the nation. The wall of prohibition, thrown up by ignorance and vested interests, is crumbling. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. It's crucial, however, not to forget we're still in the tunnel. In the flush of success, the work remains. We must celebrate by considering our next step.

We have come this far because our cause is right. As with all laws that are unreasonable and unjust, the prohibition of cannabis has shown itself also to be impractical and costly. In economic terms, outlawing its commercial cultivation is not the act of a rational government; used to produce paper, hemp fiber could play a major role in preserving our nations forests. Outlawing the personal use of marijuana has generated an unacceptable cost in terms of human lives. The number of new prison beds outpaces the number of new schools. Change, when it comes, will not be a product of today's successes, but of tomorrows.

There is a time in all processes where energy reaches critical mass; the point at which change in a certain direction is not just probable but inevitable. Our next step is to generate this critical mass. There is no political truth greater than this; citizens get the society, and the laws, they deserve. If we want freedom of choice, we must first choose not to be silent. If we believe the prohibitions against cannabis have neither logic nor merit and, instead of making a better society, are turning good citizens into criminals, we need to live our convictions. We need to stand, speak out.

The next step is we, and our power as human beings to change society one heart and one mind at a time. It will be a very good millennium.

Our mission: to broadcast Information and Educate people about the cost of cannabis prohibition and the benefits of ending it. Further, we work to Empower the people to effect this change. To give them tools and the means to use them. To give them opportunities to express themselves to their detractors, to uninformed observers and to their supporters. Marches and Rallies are a good way to do this.

Pdx NORML presents
the Million Marijuana March 2001

Scheduled for the first Saturday in May, the one-day event will feature information booths, national speakers, and live music. It's success or failure will depend on it's being more than a mere gathering of like minds. Ours are not the minds we need to be concerned with. Its success depends on our ability, each and every one of us, to become a teacher.

The Million Marijuana Marches, happening on May 5th, 2001 this year, is a global celebration of the benefits of cannabis. A peaceful party to celebrate our gains and to re-energize for the next steps. The main purpose is to raise awareness about the issues, to inform and educate thru the publicity involved. Secondly, we want to register every person there and further empower them by providing whatever is needed to getting them to the voting booth at the right time. Also we want a good show, a nice time for every one - entertaining as well as informative. And, at the same time, we can also raise a little money and fund some projects for the cause - like sponsoring OMMA patients who can't afford a fee or a Hemp Initiative. In this we will have to spend some money to make some.

Strategy issues:

(1) Family Affair
(2) accentuate the positives, 'information stations' at all four corners
(3) communications, volunteer training
(4) know our rights and options - can squads of cops just stroll on thru with frothing dobermans and loiter at leisure? (not that we object, heck give them the mike!)

Mission objectives & goals:

(1) the March (and thru plublicity about & during the March raise awareness and followers)
(2) Registering Voters (thru the Rally) and …
(3) empowering (tools & tool building 'kits') them thru Literature and Contact info. Thru that we …
(4) sign up members and generally gain support & We do this for the casue in general and to get the most resources to best insure we …
(5) fundrai$e. ('cheap, good, on time' paradigm)
(!) and, at the same time, build alliances and an overall activist community.

After the public mandate, via measure 67, allowing for the use of Medical Marijuana in Oregon we at PDX NORML were inundated with requests for information and referrals. We have been assisting as many people as possible, yet we see the needs only increasing.

We are helping in the formation of a coalition of organizations in order to better address our community needs. We need a dedicated space in which to do our work. Our mission is to educate the community about marijuana and its surrounding issues, inform people about OMMA, assist them through the process and support them socially through the often isolating effects of a debilitating condition.

The Portland Million Marijuana March 2001 is a global event drawing attention to the medical, industrial, and environmental benefits of cannabis while generating revenue as well as interest. Proceeds from the March will be allocated as follows; 40% to PDX NORML to continue its work of cannabis law reform and 60% to the start up costs of the Oregon Medical Marijuana Coalition Resource Center.

Without information, there can be no informed decisions, the truth, presented without self-righteous zeal, will not only set us free but also bring us together. Some of the organizations that will be invited to participate;(for a complete list go to X)

MAMA - Mothers Against Misuse & Abuse, Voter Power, Medi-juana, Contigo-Comingo, Shade Tree Development, the Eugene Gro-Op, Patients Out of Time, the Stormy Ray Foundation, Oregon Medical Marijuana Network, American Civil Liberties Union, FEAR / Forfeiture Endangers American Rights, November Coalition, Oregonians for Medical Rights, Portland Copwatch

We hope this is the beginning of a national cannabis coalition. This year can be a very good one. It will be what we all have made of it.

Thank you in advance for your consideration and your support towards our common goal, to inform and to assist in the change of the current laws and perceptions of marijuana and its place in our society.

About the MMM | Portlands March | Objectives | Northwest Rept | Summary | City List | Contact Us | Volunteering | Personnel | Task Groups  | Media | Press Release  | ArtNotes | the PLAN | March & Rally | Organizations | Event Schedule | Speakers | Fundraising | Budget(s) | back to Top |

 Northwest March Newz Report

We march for peace and freedom thru cannabis law reform, in Portland, Oregon the Northwest and beyond ... visit:

"Oregon Millennium Marijuana Marches and More"

This is about the whole U.S., not just Oregon ! Other things available, like posters, and links.


Portland (go to Portlands March)


        Kris Millegan <Hempsters@aol.com> 541-935-6276 or 800-556-2012

See the newspaper story and photo about the Eugene Millennium Marijuana March last May. 



        "miriam white" <miriamwhite420@hotmail.com> 
        pager/voice mail 360-415-2011


        Seattle to Olympia Journey for Justice: Jess "Fat Freddy" Williams
        <realfatfreddyjay@worldnet.att.net> (253) 573-9862



        Fryderyk Frontier <fredfrontier@excite.com> or 
        E-mail Al at: imfree2b3a@aol.com


        contact Chuck Rollins Jr. at chuck@mosquitonet.com


        contact Julie Cesarini, P.O. Box 812, Homer AK 99603, 907 235-6040.


        contact Brad Parfitt at latebrad@hotmail.com


North CA., North NV?, West MT.?

| Nwst US | Alaska | Oregon | Wash. St. | Nwst (Canada) | B.C. | Manitoba |


British Columbia


        Teresa Taylor, CCC <luna@sunshinecable.com> http://taylor1.virtualave.net
        (250) 442-2741 or (250) 442-5166 Fax (250) 442-5167

PEI (Prince Edward Island):

        "Deanne Kimball" <cdkimball@athigw.athi.pe.ca>


        David Malmo-Levine, <dagreenmachine@excite.com> (604)874-0790



        Chris Buors, 204-663-3485, mail to 430 Winterton ave,
        Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R2K 1K4



        Marc-Boris St-Maurice <blocpot@blocpot.qc.ca> (514)528.1768

| Nwst US | Alaska | Oregon | Wash. St. | Nwst (Canada) | B.C. | Manitoba |

About the MMM | Portlands March | Objectives | Northwest Rept | Summary | City List | Contact Us | Volunteering | Personnel | Task Groups  | Media | Press Release  | ArtNotes | the PLAN | March & Rally | Organizations | Event Schedule | Speakers | Fundraising | Budget(s) | back to Top |


City count by Country, State

Please update us.
City Count
N. America 2 of ? Countries     76 Cities
    Canada 6 of ? Prov/St 9 Cities
        British Columbia 3  
        Manitoba 1  
        Nova Scotia 2  
        Ontario 1  
        Prince Edward Is. 1  
        Quebec 1  
    USA 32 of 50 States (64%) 67 Cities
        Alabama 2  
        Alaska 4  
        Arizona 1  
        California 8  
        Colorado 4  
        District of Columbia 1  
        Florida 4  
        Georgia 2  
        Hawaii 1  
        Illinois 2  
        Indiana 1  
        Iowa 1  
        Kentucky 1  
        Louisiana 1  
        Massachusetts 1  
        Michigan 4  
        Minnesota 1  
        Missouri 3  
        Nebraska 1  
        New Mexico 1  
        New York 3  
        North Carolina 1  
        Ohio 3  
        Oregon 2  
        Pennsylvania 1  
        South Carolina 1  
        Tennessee 2  
        Texas 3  
        Vermont 2  
        Virginia 1  
        Washington 2  
        Wisconsin 2  
S. America 1 of ? Countries     1 Cities
    Peru     1  
Africa 1 of ? Countries     3 Cities
    South Africa     3  
Asia 2 of ? Countries     3 Cities
    Israel     2  
    Vietnam?     1  
Europe 10 of ? Countries     16 Cities
    Croatia     1  
    Czechoslovakia     1  
    England     4  
    France     1  
    Germany     4  
    Netherlands     1  
    Norway     1  
    Poland     1  
    Scotland     1  
    Spain     1  
Pacific Rim 2 of ? Countries      6 Cities
    Australia 2 of ? Prov/St    
        New South Wales 1  
        South Australia 1  
    New Zealand     4  
Last Updated on 2/18/01, By Perry Stripling

About the MMM | Portlands March | Objectives | Northwest Rept | Summary | City List | Contact Us | Volunteering | Personnel | Task Groups  | Media | Press Release  | ArtNotes | the PLAN | March & Rally | Organizations | Event Schedule | Speakers | Fundraising | Budget(s) | back to Top |

 Contacting Us

The MMM2001 Committee c/o
P.O. Box 11694
Portland, OR, 97211

We can meet at next Pdx NORML meeting or set up something earlier at Lib or something completely different. Regular PdxN meetings held at US Bank public Meeting Room at the Central Library, 801 SW 10th, Portland. Starts at 7:00p.m. Next meeting dates are:

Wed., Mar. 21st
Wed., Apr. 18th

Thanx for your interest, stay tuned to our home page (www.pdxnorml.org) for the latest meeting dates!

About the MMM | Portlands March | Objectives | Northwest Rept | Summary | City List | Contact Us | Volunteering | Personnel | Task Groups  | Media | Press Release  | ArtNotes | the PLAN | March & Rally | Organizations | Event Schedule | Speakers | Fundraising | Budget(s) | back to Top |

the PLAN; what we're trying to do ...

MMM2001 committee
Status Report


        [_] MARCH; need $100 to file form & get permit, need Route to file form.
        [_] RALLY; We have reserved Pioneer Square (!),
              need another $440 due 10 days before event < 4/25, 27 ?>
        [_] INSURANCE; need $200 to file form, get proof & show P/SQR
        [_] PERMITS; Noise & other (s/be ok)

[_] FINANCIAL Report 

! $$$ !
Plan 0
Plan 1
Plan A
Plan B
- P/Sqr
- extras!      
- INS.  

[_] next ACTION; Library Meeting Room. Reservations need to be by application.  We can meet at next Pdx NORML meeting or set up something earlier at Lib or something completely different. Next PdxN meetings: Mar. 21st, Wed. and Apr. 18th, Wed. - in the US Bank public Meeting Room at the Central Library, 801 SW 10th, Portland. Starts at 7:00p.m.


Last year we Operated at Plan Zero (see Financial Report, above), scraped things together at the last minute and still managed to get 500 people in the streets.  We had thousands in Pioneer Square for the Rally afterwards and spent the day educating & celebrating with no arrests.  This year we're building on the momentum and need your support.  We need funds up front this year to reserve the Square and for staging, booths and other equipment.  We'll be beating the bushes for sponsor support, but it won't cover it all & we need your help now.  Send $100, $50, $25 … whatever!  We can ...

* Get Biz support.  If we have vendors (sales or soliciting of money of any kind) we are into Plan 1 (see Financial Report and must raise $3000.  We have had some interest by Biz but no one has financially committed yet, so we can't reserve or plan on this option being available.  A Biz could support us even tho they can't/won't have a booth there.  Businesses who make a contribution get their logo on our web site dedicated to the March and on literature we hand out the day of.  Contact Us for details.

* Get 'grant' funding.  Some sugar daddy (or mama), local or otherwise, who will sponsor or loan us for the event. We are working on publishing a complete plan covering not only the March & Rally, but the Promo leading up to it.  We have prepared a formal document and submitted to the highest (pun intended) levels we can.  We are seeking funding from national sources such as NORML and the Lindesmith Center as well as local contributors.

* Collect a dollar from every cannabis user & sympathizer.  C'mon, give a Buck!  We have made some gains in the cannabis law reform movement and there's even some talk of going on the offensive.  But we've much to do.  The MMM is an important step.  It has the promise to be the reform event of the year in Oregon and second only to the Seattle Hempfest in the northwest.  Imagine! Just $5 or even a Buck from every cannabis user and sympathizer, what we could do.  Every donation, no matter how small, gets a newsletter up to the next event.

* Place CANs & such around town. 

CANs for collecting are available, contact us. They look ok and are functional, I dropped some off at The Third Eye and Smokin' Glass on Hawthorne, along with some Flyers. Or make your own jar/can. Just let us know where they are. I propose to leave in the can a piece of paper with the time, date, amount, who (my signature) when I pick up from them. Places I plan to hit next: every Biz in Pot-land.

Please, help make it happen.  Be there, in any case.  Nothing like it.

NOTE! Fundraising - we CAN solicit donations during the march, even with Plan Zero.

Income Potential

  1. Gate (no admission fee this event)
  2. booths (a) - Activists
  3. booths (b) - Merchandising
  4. booths (c) - Food
  5. Water
  6. T-Shirt (Event) sales and other promo items.
NOTE: NO SALES - FOOD or MERCHANDISING under Plan Zero! Only with Plan 1 or higher!

Food. There will be ?__? booths. They will cover a range of selections that will include vegetarian dishes. All non-alcoholic beverages will be event-priced at 1.50 per 16 oz. Serving. We go into percentages after $2500 gross.

Merchandise. Merchandising booths will be pre-screened so that their wares will not conflict with each other. While hemp based products will be given priority in booth selection paraphernalia will not be accepted <?>.

T-Shirts. T-Shirts will retail at $__ each. The cost to print them will be $__. The screen printer will be responsible for all aspects of the retail operation. We will receive $__ per shirt.

About the MMM | Portlands March | Objectives | Northwest Rept | Summary | City List | Contact Us | Volunteering | Personnel | Task Groups  | Media | Press Release  | ArtNotes | the PLAN | March & Rally | Organizations | Event Schedule | Speakers | Fundraising | Budget(s) | back to Top |

 March & Rally PLANz

Ok, ready or not, here it comes - MMM 2001; Million Marijuana March 2001 - also to be known as the New Millennium Marijuana March and other acronyms (my personal favorite is still Jday!). The Plan, so far:

MMM 2001 - PORTLANDs Million Marijuana March 2001.  Sat., May 5th, 2001
Assemble at Pioneer Square at 10am, (load in begins at 7am)
 - March at High Noon, Rally at 2pm, music & speakers til 7pm
(close up and out by 9pm)  Volunteers needed!

March route so far … out of Pioneer Square (East? side) left on to Broadway. Down to Salmon and turn left. Left on 4th and down to Stark. Right on Stark to Front/Naito Street. Left on Naito/Front and down to Ash Street. Left on Ash. Right on 2nd and down to Burnside. Left on Burnside and down to Broadway where we turn left. Down Broadway and back into Pioneer Square.

Think of ALL the things you want to have happen before, during and after the event and then figure out how many different groups/committees are needed to pull it off.

Your planning committee begets your smaller committees. (publicity, entertainment, etc.) And I would suggest, based on experience, that you have co-chairs for each committee, due to the fact that a buddy system works better and all bases are covered should the main person have to bail. It's easier sharing the load than doing all the work by yourself. We all know that good intentions don't always work out and that unexpected situations do arise.

The MARCH itself 

[_] MARCH. March notes; (1) you must have a route, start and end. (P/Sqr, in our case). (2) you must go in the direction that traffic normally goes. (3) should keep this within 1 mile total distance which is 20 blocks. The parade lady (Cynthia Warren) sez yes on Naito Parkway. We've filed the route and paid the $63 (in '00) permit fee. Grand Marshall<?>

MARCH Route is: out of Pioneer Square (East? side) left on to Broadway. Down to Salmon and turn left. Left on 4th and down to Stark. Right on Stark to Front/Naito Street. Left on Naito/Front and down to Ash Street. Left on Ash. Right on 2nd and down to Burnside. Left on Burnside and down to Broadway where we turn left on to Broadway. Down Broadway to Pioneer Square.

As far as we know we are expecting the march to last around an hour and a half. Any longer and we might have problems with patients. Remember - We are marching to tell people the truth about the wonderful plant that marijuana is.

The march is scheduled to start at High Noon. As soon as the march leaves the square, the band will start to set up and be ready to play by the time everyone gets back.

| the March & Rally overall | the MARCH itself | the RALLY iteself | the PLAN (status) |

The RALLY itself 

Saturday, May 5, 2001. Set-up starts at 7AM, groups start to assemble at 10AM (pre-March Rally) and we begin marching promptly (!) at High Noon. Around the City and back up Broadway to Pioneer Square where the rally will begin with speakers, musicians (?), etc. A prayer of unity will be observed (?) circle the drummers at 4:20. Then finish with speakers and music. Will end (and start take down) at 7PM. Do the booths/tables/clean up and we should be out of there by 7PM at the latest.

Possibly, a nighttime benefit at some local club for bands to play and folks to hang out before they head out of town. NOTE! Fundraising issue - can NOT solicit donations, same as running biz there, and costs $1000 extra.(Plan Zero)

[_] RALLY. Got the OKAY <?> from Pioneer Square to set up a 25-foot trailer instead of a stage just where we pictured it <?>. The awning will serve as protection for the band as well as any speakers and we won't have to worry about getting folks in chairs up a ramp. Also, the inside can be used as an office/security place and the outside walls can be decorated with useful information... Maybe even do a hands-on, let the public decorate it with names/signs/whatever....

[_] INSURANCE for Rally and March. We need insurance - we are checking with a local provider (Gale Creek Ins.) and can get a 1 day policy for about $200. It was suggested we might get a rider off of a policy that National or Regional NORML might have. We called, and they get 1 day policies too. Don't do enuff marching to justify it. Maybe we can change that.

We were going to pay $195 for a one day policy from Gale ? Ins. It is a one policy to cover people at rally - NOTE! This means attendees; people at rally, people on stage, on street (march?) - BUT will NOT cover participants; booths and tables (+?)

We decided to buy the $165 insurance policy for 1-500 attendees. Figured we'd be lucky to get that many and why pay for 501-1500 if we didn't have to... Again, anyone who decides to participate with a table or booth has to contribute SOMETHING for expenses.... and they have to get their own insurance. Gale's Creek offers 1 day premiums for $35. Just in case your booth falls on someone's head.... (have seen it happen....)

Since the event had to have insurance to cover the crowd (and might have to again next year) you'll want to find out whether there needs to be coverage for ALL of the vendor's booths collectively or whether each individual booth needs its own insurance (I think it was around $35 per). Depending on the cost of the insurance premium, you may want to lower the booth fees so people can afford both or purchase a group coverage and put funds into that.

| the March & Rally overall | the MARCH itself | the RALLY iteself | the PLAN (status) |

About the MMM | Portlands March | Objectives | Northwest Rept | Summary | City List | Contact Us | Volunteering | Personnel | Task Groups  | Media | Press Release  | ArtNotes | the PLAN | March & Rally | Organizations | Event Schedule | Speakers | Fundraising | Budget(s) | back to Top |


How you can Help
Spread the word.  Talk it up.  C'mon, YOU, take that towel from under the door and out of that bathroom, you closet toker.

for Event Coordination, contact Mr. Mayther
Also ENTERTAINMENT; the Bands & related equip
Site Manager/Designer. see desc.
Volunteer Coordinator. see desc
Food & Beverage Coordinator. see desc
these will all fall under the responsibility of the Event Coordinator, so your first step should be to contact Mr. Mayther
PUBLICITY; Promotion/Press Relations Coordinator. 
Contact Melodie at <?>

(media, conx)
Media contacts; calling people & media (newspaper, radio, TV) in general. 
(see Press Release)  Important part is documenting who/when/what! 
Faxing, emailing, letters too. Going on air?

(media, out)
Advertizing; posters, flyers, handouts.
Producing, printing, distributing. Contacting media (Wweek, Rocket) about Ad (xchg!?)

PHONE This would be some MEDIA contacting, but would include Phone Banks too.

WEB Go to sites for Radio/TV/Newspapers and drop standard message into their mail boxes.  Go to friendly sites (Hemp Net in WA St., the main page in NY, etc) and make sure they are up to date for us.  Make sure we link to all friendly sites.

EMAIL PdxN has an email list we used to use for our electronic newsletter, plus we are on DPFOR and a few lists. I will see about getting this out thru that medium.
the MARCH; Route & other fun stuff.  Calling Orgs and coordinating the contingents.  Front banner, etc.  Marching Band?  Follow up vehicle for Patients.  Floats?!
OUTREACH; Registering Voters, signing up Members
REGISTRATION & CHECK-IN; Orgs (booths) & Speakers.  keep tabs of those who want to have a table and/or need special accommodations
CARPENTRY & misc; on-site workers to assemble stage, help put up tarps and booths, assemble plywood walls/displays, etc.
FIRST AID; an empty Medication Station with some chairs and water, etc
ARTIST/S; to help decorate ANYTHING with ANYTHING for ANYBODY
PHOTOGRAPHER/S; both still and video.
GRAPHIC ARTIST/S; for website, fliers and posters, etc.
Police Liason & SECURITY
especially during the march, to keep folks inside the lanes, helping those who need to stop, etc.

SECURITY (theirs);  P/SQR provides.


Event Coordinator | Site Mgr/Desn | Volunteer Coord | Food & Bev Coord | Promo/Press Coord | Event Site Reps | INS (Site) Reps | City (March) Reps | Police Liasion

1. Key Personnel Job descriptions;
the (Pdx) NORML people ...

Event Coordinator.

Event Coordinator will be responsible for all aspects of the event including but not limited to supervising all Key Personnel, contracting for all outside services and acting as a liaison between the EVENT and Pdx NORML Board of Directors.

Craig Mayther
Portland, Oregon
(503) 233-7497

Site Manager/Designer.

Site Manager/Designer will be responsible for placing booths, PortaCanz, Beer Garden, etc. He/she and their assistant will also act as liaisons between the EVENT and all Exhibitors.

Volunteer Coordinator.

Volunteer Coordinator will be responsible for all aspects of the recruitment, scheduling, work assignments and supervision of all volunteers.  See basic notes on Vols.

Food & Beverage Coordinator.

Food & Beverage Coordinator will be responsible for all aspects of choosing and contracting with Booth Operators and will act as liaison between Booth Operators and the Event Coordinator .

Promotion/Press Relations Coordinator.

Promotion/Press Relations Coordinator will be responsible for all aspects of promotion including but not limited to assembling and distributing press packages and maintaining media relations before, during and after the EVENT.  See notes on publicity.


2. other Key Personnel;
other Contacts outside of PdxN

Event Site (Rally) Representatives.

Production Director Pioneer Square
Mahlin Schisler   503-223-1613
715 SW Morrison, Suite 702 Portland 97205 (fax: 503-222-7425)

Gales Creek Insurance  Nancy Rohde, Special Events Coordinator
503-227-0491 / nancy@galescreek.com
800 NW 6th Ave, Suite 335 Portland 97209 (Union Station)

City (March) Representatives.

Special Permits Cynthia Warren (Parade/Run permits) 503-823-5141 (Susan @ 823-5142)  1900 SW 4th Avenue, Room 3500 Portland Will need a map of the March route and the starting and ending times. Call her for more particulars to be safe. And cost of permit.($70)

Police (March Escort & Security) Liasion.

Contact Madeline Martinez, Assistant Director.

| Event Coordinator | Site Mgr/Desn | Volunteer Coord | Food & Bev Coord | Promo/Press Coord | Event Site Reps | INS (Site) Reps | City (March) Reps | Police Liasion0 || back to Top 

MMM2001 Committee Task Groups

MMM 2001 sub-committees

(muuuuuuuy importante)
the most crucial - perhaps three people in different regions <?>.  See 
Main contact is Melodie?  at 

(503) 777-9088 for information or to volunteer. Email <?> Please write or send donations to 
MMM2001 Committe c/o Pdx NORML
P.O. Box 11694
Portland, OR 97211

(media, conx)
Media contacts; calling people & media (radio, TV) in general. Important part is documenting who/when/what!

Faxing, emailing, letters too. Going on air?

Karla H., Carrie B.
(media, out)
Advertizing; posters, flyers, handouts. Producing, printing, distributing. Contacting media (Wweek, Rocket) about Ad (xchg!?)
co-ord w/ <art & media depts>
folks who will make calls, send emails, fliers to groups and or individuals to participate in person... or donate at least a Washington. Jefferson would be better...
keep tabs of $, possible nighttime event as benefit?

Pre and post. Someone should go to Ash St. Saloon, Mt. Tabor Pub (& Theater! Be nice to have video from other Marches …)

Route & other fun stuf …
Rachel R.
especially during the march, to keep folks inside the lanes, helping those who need to stop, etc.
SECURITY (theirs)
Min 4 hrs @ $15 ($60) per person. Don't know how many they will require at this point.
keep tabs of those who want to have a table and/or need special accommodations
as big as you want to go - for free.... also, speakers! [kelly Paige] Getting Band(s), [EarthForce]
Jason H. [Stage Mgr] 
on-site workers to assemble stage, help put up tarps and booths, assemble plywood walls/displays, etc.
to help decorate ANYTHING with ANYTHING for ANYBODY
Myke E., Perry S.
both still and video.
website(?!) and links, fliers and posters, etc.
an empty Medication Station with some chairs and water, etc


Media; getting our message out through our media (newsletters, posters, flyers, web) as well as our interaction with the press (newspapers, radio, TV). 

[_] PUBLICITY. Any and all broadcast about his event is good. Call radio stations, talk shows, TV stations, newspapers. Send Faxes, Emails and call any people you may know in the media. Please take notes!
Promotion includes press releases, newsletters with progress reports, meetings, and ads - flyers, handbills, newspaper, radio & even, maybe, TV.  MEDIA. (see Promotion/Press Relations Coordinator)  Karla has called Patti Wentz and few others. Madeline has also called Patti, Reed Coleman and a few others. We need to find out the results and follow up. I or someone will contact John Malaer and see if he can get in touch with Matt Palmquist of the Oregonian. I don't know how the other avenues discussed (KGW community, calls to radio/TV stations) have panned out.

It's ok to double cover on this. Any one of us can call and talk about this, just let us all know who you contacted, the channel (phone, email) and the result (yea, call em/nay, not for us).

As well as the usual T-shirts, hats, stickers, magnets.  Publishing the plan helps other cities by giving them instruction and encouragement.  And then we get the true benefits of the activity throughout the northwest - voter registration, literature out and members signed up, medical user networks and hemp-focused coalitions.

Press Release

WHEN: Saturday, May 5, 2001 - High Noon
701 SW Sixth Ave, downtown Portland

Contact: Perry Stripling, Pdx NORML
503-777-9088 / PdxNmem@pdxnorml.org


On Saturday, May 5, 2001 - High Noon, Pdx NORML - the Portland chapter of THE NATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR THE REFORM OF MARIJUANA LAWS will present the MILLENNIUM MARIJUANA MARCH, organized by the MMM2001 committee. This is to MARCH & RALLY in synchronicity with brethren all over the world raising awareness about the benefits of cannabis and hemp. OVER 100+ CITIES WILL MARCH TO EDUCATE THE WORLD ABOUT CANNABIS! (Visit: www.pdxnorml.org/current/MMM2001.htmlfor the latest list of cities ! ). This event will cover all the aspects of cannabis law reform and gives the average person a chance to join with others and make a statement - around the world!

Assemble at PIONEER COURTHOUSE SQUARE at 10 AM, Walk & Roll at High Noon. Rally at 2:PM, music (reggae) by EarthForce. Drum circle at 4:20, celebrate til 7:PM. 

The MMM2000 committee, Portland NORML, and various cannabis law reform related groups will join in this effort. Please write or send donations to MMM2000 c/o PdxNORML, P.O. Box 11694, Portland, OR 97211. Web sites for more info:

http://www.PdxNORML.org/current/MMM2001.html, or
Thanks! Pdx NORML

Publicity, publicity, publicity … Lets make a list and check it twice. Put CANs and FLYERS in every Head Shop, Record Store, Herbarium, etc. Broadcast where you put them so we all know.

media notes; generating P/R
FAX.  It would be possible to blanket the area, state even with Fax campaign driven off pc, using OUTLOOK or some tool. Alternative is to use somebodys fax machine and feed one at a time. Last alternative would be to go to service (kinkos) and have it done, but wouldn't do for this volume. Need to do something on this.  
PHONE.   This would be mostly the MEDIA contacts, but would include Phone Banks too.  
WEB Go  to sites for Radio/TV/Newspapers and drop standard message into their mail boxes.  Go to friendly sites (Hemp Net in WA St., the main page in NY, etc) and make sure they are up to date for us.  List all Ours … and Others …
    Robert from Hemp.Net
EMAIL   PdxN has an email list we used to use for our electronic newsletter, plus we are on DPFOR and a few lists. I will see about getting this out thru that medium.  
Flyer (event) & Q's!    
Handouts (pamphlets)    
Press release (short)    
FAQS (full P/R)    



ART. We have official design/logo and text. We want a 'library' with all the graphics we have, one with just a cross, one with just leaf & cross, just leaf and caduceus (snake & wings), etc. So you all can mix 'n match for whatever purposes. Need some slogans.

We want to have a banner party(s), prepare stuff for the march. We need a place. It was suggested and I will check, about using the Smokin' Glass store area/space. We need to gather supplies - we'll look into some poster board, markers, paint, brushes. Would like some styrofoam board that can be used.

Need your guys feedback on this. Would prefer a place that is wheelchair accessable.

[_] ART. art designs.  Some designs representing Medical, Hemp (Industrial) and DeCrim (free the POdWs!) have been proposed. Try to get 'end rolls' of paper we can use for banners & such. Get artists to draw designs and have crews paint them in. The thing is to get it out as fast as possible.

Be creative and make your own signs. Every little bit counts and this is what kills every event - the lack of publicity - every time.

FLYERS we a local design. We are passing them out with the CANs. I encourage any and all p/r, so I don't care about who does it or what the design so much as getting the word out. We'll be setting up a gallery with all the grafixs so people can make their own designs for flyers, parade stuff, or whatever.

So make flyers and share your stuff. Don't be miffed if people try something else. The important thing is to get the word out.  We have got to post any info where ever possible. Any board, college or supermarket whatever, that can take one of these should have one.

About the MMM | Portlands March | Objectives | Northwest Rept | Summary | City List | Contact Us | Volunteering | Personnel | Task Groups  | Media | Press Release  | ArtNotes | the PLAN | March & Rally | Organizations | Event Schedule | Speakers | Fundraising | Budget(s) | back to Top |

basic training 

Volunteer requirements

In all positions volunteers will be trained and supervised. They will be responsible for everything that happens at their station.

Volunteers schedule

Volunteers will work in 5 hour shifts that will overlap by ½ hour in order for the people who have been there to show the just arriving what is new, what to do.

Because of the requirements of the job production runners and stage runners will work for the run of the event.

Shift 1
Shift 2

Manpower requirements

Booth 1.   volunteers per  shift
W/s 2.   volunteers per  shift
Artist/VIP Hospitality   volunteers per  day
Production runners   volunteers per  day
Stage runners   volunteers per  day
Stage runners   volunteers per  day

In exchange for their work all volunteers will receive a staff T-Shirt (make sure it's in the budget item Expense report) and a pass to Artist/VIP Hospitality <?>.

| go to The Plan | back to Top 

About the MMM | Portlands March | Objectives | Northwest Rept | Summary | City List | Contact Us | Volunteering | Personnel | Task Groups  | Media | Press Release  | ArtNotes | the PLAN | March & Rally | Organizations | Event Schedule | Speakers | Fundraising | Budget(s) | back to Top |

Event (Rally) Schedule; Speakers & Bands

SPEAKERS (ORG Leaders & others) and BANDS (Stage Management)

[_] SPEAKERS and BANDS (Stage Management). Thanks to everybody for your suggestions and efforts in getting speakers for this event.  Please contact _________ at: ________ … or …_______________ to be signed up.  (? part of the Stage Manager role is to take on the speakers list).

Melodie <?> is going to be the M.C. for the march and rally and will introduce the band. Earth Force is the band <?>. They are a local reggae band and are very pro-marijuana. I imagine the band will play for not more than twenty minutes while everyone get finished marching and so people can medicate if necessary.

Event schedule

Load In begins … 
  … Load In officially ends. 1st Speaker …
    Music starts …
(High Noon)
  The March …
    … music for returning Marchers, to gather more crowd.
  The Rally. Speaker starts off …
  Drum Circle and then more Music
Final Speaker; closing drum circle?; Events ends - Load Out begins …
  Load Out Ends; sweep the grounds.

Speakers & Organizations

Potential Speakers list
  Dr. Tod H. Mikuriya  
  Dr. Phillip Leveque  
  Dr. Robert Julien  
  Dr. Richard Bayer  
  Ed Glick, RN Contgo-Comingo
Policy/Law Reform/Legislative
R. Keith Stroup NORML
  Allen St. Pierre NORML
  Ethan A. Nadelmann Lindesmith Center
  Rep. JoAnn Bowman  
  Rep. Floyd Prozanski  
  Sandee Burbank MAMA
  John Sajo Voter Power
  Leland R. Berger, esq. NLC member
tentative Grand Marshall and Statesman Jack Herer "Emperor", Initiative 2000
  Chris Conrad  
  Denis Peron  
  Willie Nelson  
  Curt Wagoner  
  Woody Harrelson  
  Rob/Gretchen Harris Cascade Hemp Supply
  Don Wirtshafter Ohio Hempery


[_] ORGANIZATIONS. Form list (dB), contact. Organizations will be charged a $100 fee <?> (w/ exemptions on case-by-case basis). For this they get … [1] table space (just the space), [2] 3 min speaker spot, [3] listed in media (flyers, posters, etc)

About the MMM | Portlands March | Objectives | Northwest Rept | Summary | City List | Contact Us | Volunteering | Personnel | Task Groups  | Media | Press Release  | ArtNotes | the PLAN | March & Rally | Organizations | Event Schedule | Speakers | Fundraising | Budget(s) | back to Top |

 City List

*! MAY 5, 2001 - MILLION MARIJUANA MARCHES: 100+ Cities/Marches happening so far !*


Adelaide: Jamnes 0412674455 <hempSA@va.com.au> HEMP SA: Help End Marijuana Prohibition South Australia, PO Box 1019, Kent Town South Australia 507. Website: <http://www.hemp.on.net.au>

Albuquerque: "Richard E. Haley, Jr." <writch@writch.com> home phone (505)268-5694. Main NORML phone: (505)281-6277

Amsterdam: Has© <has.cornelissen@planet.nl> or <alliance@legalize.org> phone: 0031-616314682 http://www.legalize.org [Note: this event is June 2.]

Anchorage: Free Hemp In Alaska, Contact: Lincoln Swan <freedomfighter49@alaska.com> or <freehempinak@gci.net> Address: 2603 Spenard Road, Anchorage, AK 99503. Phone: 907 278-4367 TOLL FREE 1-866-242-HEMP (4367)

Asheville: Jason Klein <aragorn@hightec.com> (828) 277-6876.  Place: Asheville, NC, USA
Sponsoring organization: Community of Compassion

Athens: John Spofforth <af542@seorf.ohiou.edu> 740-592-3649

Atlanta: Paul Cornwell <info@worldcamp.org> Phone: 404-522-2267 Address: CAMP, PO Box 5718, Atlanta, GA. 31107-5718 http://www.worldcamp.org

Auckland: Chris Fowlie norml@apc.org.nz ph 09 302-5255

Austin: "M5 coalition" <texasm5@hotmail.com> Phone: 512-493-7357

Bakersfield: Chris Colazzo <ccolazzo@hotmail.com> 661-321-1336 address: 5310 Summer Cypress
Bakersfield, CA 93313

Batesville: <nfn@watervalley.net> Gary or Kira (662) 578-8343 NFN Enterprises, 1509 Orwood Road, Batesville, MS, 38606

Battle Creek: Harry Goddard petalpusher1@ameritech.net (616)731-2807 address: P.O. Box 32, Richland, MI 49083

Berlin: <martin@africandance.de> 0049-30-24720233

Boston: Bill Downing MASSCAN (781)944-2266

Boulder: Fred (303)449-2390.

Buffalo: Rebecca Powell 716-353-4807

Burlington: "Robert J. Melamede" <rmelamed@zoo.uvm.edu> http://www.uvm.edu/~rmelamed/ (802) 658-2059

Capetown: Henn <godfreehenn@usa.net>

Carbondale: Dave Thayer (618)536-7419 <stinkygreens@yahoo.com> 110 kellogg,carbondale, il 62901

Charleston: jim payne <StalkForrest@aol.com>

Charlotte: Mike (704)321-1421<CAMPNC@hotmail.com>

Chicago: IMI (773)381-9330

Chico: MP Jimmy Ogle <mpogle@usparliament.org> http://www.pot-party.com (530)876.1012 or adrian aguilar ode2thewalls@aol.com (530)898-2150 or voicemail pgr 530-571-2071

Christchurch: Terry McKersey <tjm85@student.canterbury.ac.nz> or Blair Anderson <blair@technologist.com> 03 389-4065

Cleveland: John <NCNorml@aol.com> (216)521-9333 www.timesoft.com/ncnorml

Columbus: Kenneth Schweickart 614-265-VOTE <forabetterohio@hotmail.com> 319 E. Hudson St. Columbus, Ohio 43202

Colorado Springs: joey herrmann <rainbowproductions1@yahoo.com>

Denver: Jack Woehr (303)277-9574 jwoehr@attglobal.net

DesMoines: <iowanorml@home.com> (515)288-5798 http://www.commonlink.com/~olsen/ , http://mojo.calyx.net/~olsen/ , http://www.druglibrary.org/olsen/index.html ; or Terry Mitchell (515) 789-4442; 608 Dallas St., Dexter, Iowa 50070.

Detroit: "jude joseph" <acididea@hotmail.com> http://www.geocities.com/legalizemichigan/
or Adrienne C. e-mail: <daisymae421@excite.com> phone: (517)872-8005.

Duesseldorf: Marlon Werkhausen <marlon@gesellschaftsprobleme.de> www.gesellschaftsprobleme.de phone: 049-172-7591795.

Dunedin: Duncan Eddy <duncaneddy@hotmail.com> Otago University NORML phone: 025 719 139

Durban: <ezpz.co.za> or <ezpz@telkomsa.net> +27 31 2016 359 PHONE AND FAX. Post net Suite 136,
Private Bag X 04, DALBRIDGE, 4014, SOUTH AFRICA

Edinburgh: "Linda Hendry"<linda@anamika.freeserve.co.uk>

Eugene: Kris Millegan <Hempsters@aol.com> 541-935-6276 or 800-556-2012

Fairbanks, Alaska: Frank Turney 907-452-3777 or Chuck Rollins Jr. <chuck@mosquitonet.com>

Frankenthal: helmut holtzheimer <movemus@gmx.de>

Garberville : "Paul Encimer" <encimer@hotmail.com> Box 162, Piercy CA 95587

Halifax: Danielle D'Aoust, e-mail: <daoust_girl@hotmail.com> 3923 Kencrest Ave. app. 307, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, B3K3L4 Tel: 902-454-9317; Also Jimmy Dorey <jdorey@stfx.ca>

Hamburg: Martina Katzsch <Hanf-tv@karo4tel.de>

Hilo: Roger Christie <pakaloha@gte.net> (808) 961-0488 http://www.thc-ministry.org

Ho Chi Minh City: "Bartlett Ridge" <bridgeviet@hotmail.com> http://www.BartlettRidge.com

Homer, Alaska - contact Julie Cesarini, P.O. Box 812, Homer AK 99603, 907 235-6040.

Houston: Dean Farrell <fdb@mail.ev1.net> (281)752-9198. http://www.cultural-baggage.com

Hull: Carl Wagner <Upyoursjackstraw@aol.com> phone: +44 01482 494789 5 Victoria Square, Ella Street, Hull HU5 3AL, England

Huntsville: Bill Gallagher (256) 536 9967 <luxefaire@yahoo.com> 3210 Clopton St, Huntsville, AL 35805

Indianapolis: <Skywolf@yahooka.com> Neal (317)882-1904

Ithaca: Adam Hirsch <ah222@cornell.edu> 522 Stewart Ave. (Apt # 2), Ithaca, NY 14850

Jefferson City: Al Minta (417)866-3999 address: 1653 N. Patterson (Apt A), Springfield, MO 65803

Jerusalem: Joseph (011-972) 050-494-447

Johannesburg: Gordon Maene <Gordon@pyramid.co.za> work: ( 011)805 6763 cell phone: 082 552 6393

Juneau, Alaska - contact Brad Parfitt at latebrad@hotmail.com

Kansas City: Global Peace Cafeneh <globalpeas@email.com>globalpeas, 1518 s. 18th st., KC KS 66101 or <mohemp@hotmail.com> (816)931-6169.

Kelowna, B.C.: Teresa Taylor, CCC <luna@sunshinecable.com> http://taylor1.virtualave.net (250) 442-2741 or (250) 442-5166 Fax (250) 442-5167

Kent: http://mjmarch.webhop.org/ <mjmarch@cannabismail.com> (330)672-4263

Krakow: Marek Warmuz (+48)501-468-018 "quepassa" <quepassa@poczta.fm>

Ladysmith: Terry & Wendy, (250)-245-3595, <tandwp1@home.com>

Lansing: Kathy Kennedy 517-628-3915 or e-mail: <ProhibitionX @ aol.com> http://www.cures-not-wars.micronpcweb.com

Lethbridge, Alberta: Shannon Gasparetto <smokeaphatty@hotmail.com> (403)328-8901

Lima, Peru: 889-2728 "Jedi Master" <the_last_jedi_master@hotmail.com>

Liverpool: Will Graham <willg@marijuana.com> tel (inc. international code): 0044 151 727 1458

London: International Cannabis Coalition (UK), PO Box 2243, London, W1A 1YF, UK. Chris: 020 7637 7467. Fax: 0870 0548646. E Mail: may2001@schmoo.co.uk http://www.schmoo.co.uk/may2001.htm

Los Angeles: Sister Somayah 323-232-0935

Macon Ga: <BunnieGurl420@aol.com> 912 755 9660

Madison: Ben Masel <bmasel@tds.net> 608-257-5456

Miami: temporary contact Steve Jacobsen 561-706-1670 {chefjake01@aol.com}

Milwaukee: Dominic Salmaan 1525 E, Royall Pl # 14, Milwaukee, WI 53202 ph: 414-289-9501 or 339-9377

Minneapolis Grassroots Party, temp. 952-884-5009, or Chris Wright <TCW@genesis-computer.com> 612-522-5374. March @ High Noon from Loring Park to Washburn Fair-Oaks Park.

Missoula: Angela Goodhope (406) 549-8389 <sisterearth420@hotmail.com>

Mobile: <Ravetripper19@aol.com> (334) 649- 0193

Montpelier: Rama Schneider <2001@ramabahama.net> (802) 433-5441 address: 1614 Gilbert Road, Williamstown, VT 05679 http://www.ramabahama.net

Montreal: Marc-Boris St-Maurice <blocpot@blocpot.qc.ca> (514)528.1768

Nashville: "Howie & Marivuana Leinoff" <torml@weedmail.com> (615)ACT-HIGH.

New Orleans: "Ashley The Fearless" <fearless_420@hotmail.com> 818-754-0069.

New York City: Dana 212-677-7180 <dana@cures-not-wars.org>

Nimbin: "rebelart" <rebelart@gasgroup.com> contact ph: 61-266890413 http://www.nimbinaustralia.com/mardigrass2001

Nuernberg: Emanuel Kotzian ("Green Party") <emanuel@kotzian.de> phone: 0049-911-535433

Oberlin: Jesse Kanson-Benanav <Jesse.Kanson-Benanav@oberlin.edu> (440)775-6607 c/o Stitch by Stitch and Curiosities, 31 South Main Street, Oberlin, OH 44074

Olympia: "miriam white" <miriamwhite420@hotmail.com> pager/voice mail 360-415-2011

Omaha: Paul Tripp <paultrip@home.com> 1-(402)-330-8736

Orlando: Rudi703@aol.com (407)415-2091

Oslo: < mmm2001@normal.no> http://www.normal.no/mmm2001.html

Paducah: Paula (270)362-9849 Cher Ford-McCullough <bitchcrafts@webtv.net> 65 Cabin Lane, Gilbertsvile, Ky. 42044 or Brian McCullough <bud_jamesbud@yahoo.com> (270) 362-8186

Palm Springs: Lanny Swerdlow <marijuanamarch@yahoo.com> pager:760-836-8166; ph: 760-799-2055

Paris: <farid@globenet.org> FARId GHEHIOUECHE Home phone : 01 42 51 50 85; Mobile: 06 14 81 56 79 or "Dalila AKROUR" <dalilaa@free.fr>

Philadelphia: emily petry <phillyweed420@hotmail.com> 215/563 3030.

Portland: (503)777-9088 <pdxnorml@pdxnorml.org> MMM 2001 Committee c/o Pdx NORML, P.O. Box 11694, Portland, OR, 97211. Assemble at Pioneer Square, 10am - March at High Noon; Rally at 2pm, music & speakers til 7pm (close up and out by 9pm)

Prague: Michail Polack <xchaos@arachne.cz.> Tel: +420-603-872631, +420-2-33355668, +420-602-178012 http://www.legalizace.cz

PEI (Prince Edward Island): Deanne Kimball <cdkimball@athi.pe.ca> (902)628-9012

Providence: Ann McCormick <amccormick@home.com> 401-724-8628

Raleigh-Durham: Bryan T. Moore <btm42@hotmail.com> 919-835-9889

Redding: "Byron Stephens" <neuromancer420@yahoo.com>

Regina: Daniel Johnson <amduscias@accesscom.ca> http://normlsask.cjb.net/

Richmond: "Roy B. Scherer" <rscherer@richmond.infi.net> (804) 355-7612, or campus libs at <Huclberie1@aol.com.>

San Diego: San Diego A.C.T. (Association for Cannabis Therapeutics) c/o T.Villodas,901"F"street#413,San Diego, Ca.92101 email: Ed zepplin <edzepp@yahoo.com>

San Francisco: http://www.drugpeace.org/mmm Age <age420@drugpeace.org> ph: (510)444-3207

San Marcos: Bryan Anderson: 512.396.3223 Email: earthfirstswt@hotmail.com

Santa Cruz: DdC <dendecannabist@yahoo.com> or Jason Brodsky <theherbalist@newmarijuana.com>

St. Louis: Rev Jeff <Aimhigh6@aol.com> also The Cannabis Commandos or St. Louis Area NORML , PO Box 220243, St. Louis, MO 63122, Phone: 314-995-1392 Email: <StL_norml@theheadoffice.com> www.mo-norml.org

St. Petersburg: Kevin Aplin FL CAN (321)-255-9790. Jodi James - Coalition Advocating Medical Marijuana 321-253-3673. Brian Palmer - Golden Boy Productions 407-493-2346.

Saskatoon: Daniel Johnson <amduscias@accesscom.ca> http://normlsask.cjb.net/

Seattle to Olympia Journey for Justice: Jess "Fat Freddy" Williams <realfatfreddyjay@worldnet.att.net> (253) 573-9862

Tampa: (813)779-2551. Michael Palmieri <forml420@marijuana.com> or <forml_2000@yahoo.com>; (FORML ). P.O. Box 2061, Zephyrhills, Florida 33539. http://www.geocities.com/forml_2000 ; or <bquail420@aol.com> ph: (727)347-6245

Tel Aviv: Boaz Wachtel -- wachtel@shani.net Tel:972-54-573679

Toronto: "Terry Parker Jr." <terryparkerjr@better.net> 416-533-7756

Traverse City: Melody Karr <fiddlefoot420@hotmail.com> (231)885-2993

Tucson: "mary mackenzie (formerly crow)" <mmackenzie@prodigy.net> 3400 east speedway, #118
tucson, arizona 85716 (520)323-2947

Vancouver: David Malmo-Levine, <dagreenmachine@excite.com> (604)874-0790

Washington, D.C.: John Pylka, <fjhc@hotmail> www.fourthofjuly.org Phone: 202-887-5770

Wellington Ben Knight <legalise@tradeshall.org.nz> ph 04 801-6636

Winnepeg: Chris Buors, 204-663-3485, mail to 430 Winterton ave, Winnipeg,
Manitoba, Canada R2K 1K4

Woodstock: Ed zepplin <edzepp@yahoo.com> Woodstock Association for Medical Marijuana. Postal: T. Villodas 6 orchird lane, Woodstock, N.Y.12498.

Yarmuth: (902)742-6213 "Ryan Taylor" <wi1dman@hotmail.com>

Zagreb: "Sergio Stifanic" <fine_time909@hotmail.com> GALOVICEVA 10, 10000 ZAGREB
Phone: ++385 1 2330667

How many of your friends want info on the World Cannabis Protest next May 5th? The 2001 Space Odyssey: Parades, Rallies & Teach-ins in 90 cities! Act now and they can put on their own marijuana march in the city or location where they live. All we need to list them is a name, email address and/or phone number.

Send us their email addresses, & we'll get them up to speed.

Dana of cnw (Cures Not Wars) <dana@cures-not-wars.org>


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