Calendar of Events

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These pages are to assist the concerned citizen with Events and steps they can undertake - as indiviuals or with an organization - to help the Organizations Index directly or with the issue in general.

Either telling you about ours, letting you know about others -or- helping to set up your own by sharing the "how to" thru this page.

Events 4 U!

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Things we can do in the meantime:

*  Marches, Rallies, HempFests and other such Events for raising awareness and few $.  See Events for ideas.  Not only do we get our days in the sun but the sign making parties and other team activities are learning & growing opportunities as well.

*  Put together a Film Fest.  Get all the old favorites ("Reefer Madness", "Assassin of Youth") as well as the latest ("Grass", "Saving Grace", "Traffic").  Educate as well as entertain.

*  Hemp Fashion Show.  A very good way to demonstrate the value of hemp.  People are learning that hemp clothing is not only more durable and comfortable but as versatile as any other material.  Find a local retailer and establish a mutually beneficial relationship.

*  Hemp Pot Luck.  (pun intended)  Get together and have a hemp food cook off.  If we do it right, it could be a yearly event (like a chili feed) and draw media as well as be a tasty way to inform & educate.

*  Lobbying and other political Events.  Letter writing and calling campaigns do have an effect, especially when legislators get them in batches.


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