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Voter Power advocates reasonable, fair, and effective marijuana laws and policies, and strives to educate, register and empower voters to implement such policies.
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU).
Amnesty International has finally taken on the prison-industrial complex in the United States in its "Rights for All" campaign. A core segment of its message has been how the war on drugs contributes to human rights abuses of prisoners. These are courageous steps for AI to take, both because attacking the U.S. as a human rights violator can alienate its U.S. members and because any dissension encourages ideological opponents to attack AI's work. To let Amnesty International know their work is valuable and supported, please send a message from this November Coalition site.
Arizona NORML.
California NORML.
Cannabis Action Network (CAN)
Cannabis Activists Connection Collection.
Cannabis Freedom Fund, a non-profit political action committee created to unite and spearhead the growing movement to re-legalize Cannabis for all its many uses and benefits.
Cannabis Liberation Society (Eugene, Oregon).
Cannabis Patriots (Oregon), primarily serves to publicize the Can-Pat e-mail list. Members tend to be sympathetic to patriot/militia themes, but the list was established as an alternative to others with a more limited focus.
Capital Region NORML, based in upstate New York.
Chico Cannabis Coalition.
Colorado Hemp Initiative Project. (CO-HIP)
Common Sense for Drug Policy
Connecticut Cannabis Policy Forum
Conservatives for Reform have begun a media campaign against the drug war from a conservative libertarian perspective.
Cures Not Wars, a New York based drug policy reform group.
Drug Policy Forum of California.
Drug Policy Forum of Texas.
DrugPeace, a California Political Action Committee formed January 1, 1999, whose mission is to "seek a peaceful end to the war now being waged by our own governments against us, the citizens of the United States of America, and the World."
Efficacy, High Times' Freedom Fighter award-winner for June 1999, a human-rights organization that educates the public about drug prohibition's failures.
Family Watch, a network of groups and individuals concerned about the impact of drug policy on families, women and children.
For a Better Ohio, an industrial hemp and medical marijuana advocacy organization.
Ed Forchions' Legalize Marijuana Party of South Jersey aims to free the weed - as well as Forchion. Besides his political activities, Forchion has a lot to add to the discussion as an African-American medical-marijuana patient who uses cannabis to treat a serious case of asthma.
Fully Informed Jury Association (FIJA).
Gatewood Galbraith is a Kentucky lawyer, longtime marijuana-law-reform activist, hemp advocate and two-time gubernatorial candidate.
Green Panthers recognize the war on drugs as the road to another Holocaust, and are planning for the devolution of a "Stoner Homeland" on the West Coast.
H.E.A.L.E.R. hemp club, in Ashland, Oregon.
Hemp Idaho, proponents of comprehensive reform.
Hemp.Net focuses on Washington state marijuana-law-reform issues.
Houston NORML (Texas).
Jury Rights Project, a resource with current and historical information on trial and grand juries, encouraging people first to educate themselves about the importance and power of juries and then to educate others through politics, law, and the media.
Legalize! the action forum of the global anti-prohibition movement.
Libertarian Party officially opposes the war on some drugs.
Maine Vocals, a non-profit, privately supported, statewide organization dedicated to the reform of marijuana laws through lobbying, dissemination of information and peaceful direct action.
Marijuana Users Coalition of America, based in Atascadero, California.
Massachusetts Cannabis Reform Coalition Inc., (MassCan), a NORML affiliate.
Montana NORML
Mothers Against Misuse and Abuse, founded by Sandee Burbank of Mosier, Oregon, MAMA is a drug-education group that believes young people and others need to know the facts rather than propaganda in order to make rational, responsible decisions about drug use and abuse.
National Drug Strategy Network, working for effective approaches to address the world's many drug problems by sharing accurate and up-to-date information about the many developments that affect drug strategy. The Network, made up of individuals and organizations around the world, is supported by the Criminal Justice Policy Foundation, a privately funded, non-profit educational charity that endorses policies that promote solutions to problems facing the criminal justice system.
Normal NORML, the Illinois State University affiliate.
NORML at VPI & SU (Blacksburg, Virginia).
Oregon Cannabis Tax Act, the award-winning site for the perennial state initiative campaign seeking comprehensive cannabis law reform includes an awesome online library of cannabis-related movies and videos, including "Reefer Madness," the US governmeent's WW II-era "Hemp For Victory," items of local interest and much more.
Oregonians For Personal Privacy, sponsors of a proposed initiative for the 2000 ballot that would amend the state constitution and allow private use of cannabis by adults.
Partnership for Responsible Drug Information (PRDI).
PeaceNet Prison Issues Desk, a project of the Prison Activist Resource Center (PARC).
Penn State NORML
Physician Leadership on National Drug Policy
The Power of the Letter, by NORML National Director of Publications Paul Armentano, from the November 1996 High Times.
Prisons and Prison Law Page
St. Louis NORML (Missouri).
Sentencing Project provides a lot of information and statistics about incarceration rates, racial disparities in sentencing and other aspects of the war on some drug users.
Stop Prisoner Rape, Inc.
A Travesty of Justice - The Story Of Will Foster, please help the Oklahoma medical-marijuana user serving a 20-year sentence for growing his own medicine. Originally, Foster was sentenced by a jury to 93 years.
University of Massachusetts Cannabis Reform Coalition (Pioneer Valley NORML)
University of Virginia NORML
Vermont Grass Roots Party, an actual political party dedicated to reforming marijuana laws that has gained major party status in Vermont, running candidates for national, state and local offices.
WarStop, a forum devoted to developing new ways to stop the war on drugs in the United States.
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