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Bud Bags
Ecolution, "a revolution in technology which will replace toxic petro-chemicals with eco-friendly materials like hemp."
The Emperor Wears No Clothes, by Jack Herer. Still the most important book about cannabis and hemp issues, no matter how annoying the hippie-dippy graphics and often-inscrutable layout. A new edition, featuring yet more discoveries, is released just about every year. If you think Herer makes some incredible claims about cannabis, well, he documents everything. Prove him wrong and collect $50,000! The current version is available from this link to Herer's own web site or from FS Book Company in Sacramento, 1-800-635-8883 credit cards, 916-771-4203 customer service.) See also the site for "Emperor of Hemp," journalist Jeff Meyers's documentary film about Jack Herer's life and times.
Frankel Brothers Hemp Outfitters, an environmentally and socially responsible distributor of selected fine hemp and organic cotton clothing, natural body care and food products and other specialty items.
Hayward Hempery, California's oldest hemp store.
Headcase, 100 percent hemp hats.
Hemp Food Industries Association, is based in Britain but seems to include US interests, too.
Hemp Industries Association
Hemp Racing Team, the professional motorcycle roadracing team dedicated to educating people about the benefits of industrial hemp as a natural resource.
Hempispure Products, "committed to increasing the use of hemp products through access, education, and information."
HempRella, the healthy cheese alternative made from hempseed in Santa Rosa, California. Other products include TofuRella, VeganRella, Zero-FatRella, AlmondRella and Hempeh Burgers. "Hemp-seed is the most complete single food source for human nutrition" and "was regularly used in porridge, soups and gruels by virtually all the people of the world up until this century" (The Emperor Wears No Clothes, by Jack Herer, p. 9, 10th edition, 1995 (see above).
Hempseed.com, the internal network of the hemp industry.
Hempy's, clothing and accessories with the environment in mind.
Kansas Environmentalists for Commerce in Hemp, doing business as Hemp Industries of Kansas. Founded 1990 by Debby Moore.
Kentucky Hemp Growers Co-op.
NORML's hemp page.
Ohio Hempery, products the earth can afford. Founded by Don Wirtshafter.
Pan World Traders, direct manufacturers of quality hemp products.
Privacy Protection, for the drug test victim on your gift list, actual urine that comes in a bag your friend straps to himself or herself so it's heat regulated, with a little hose he or she can keep hidden under clothing in readiness for the moment of truth.
Quick Trading Company. Order such classics as "Marijuana in Magic and Religion," "The Great Book of Hemp," Ed Rosenthal's "Hemp Today," Jack Herer's "The Emperor Wears No Clothes," Dr. Lester Grinspoon's "Marihuana Reconsidered," "Excerpts from the Indian Hemp Drugs Commission Report with Centennial Thoughts on Indian Hemp and the Dope Fiends of Old England," compiled by Tod Mikuriya, M.D.; and the highly recommended "Marijuana, The Law and You: A Guide to Minimizing Legal Consequences," by Ed Rosenthal, William Logan and Jeffrey Steinborn.
She Who Remembers, a collection of interviews, talks, videos and lectures on consciousness, health, hemp, altered states, healing, politics and drug policy reform - all on convenient tapes.
Two Star Dog, offering the highest quality hemp and other eco products that people can incorporate into their daily lives.
Dave West's Hemp Archives, historical and current information on the uses of hemp, primarily as a fiber source, but also for food and as a chemurgic plant.

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